A Great Adventure - A Day in Life of a fourteen year old.
It was a great adventure going out to the newsagents at the top of Lark Lane at night to look for Marvel Comics, past the drunken students and what would later become known as 'yuppies' yelling and...
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to be invincible again..............the things i did when i was young, makes me cringe now when i think back................thank you for the walk through the past..............take good care.........
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Willow, Oh the things one will do for a Marvel Comic. I remember during my lunch hour racing from the school down town to where a crippled man ran his little shop of candies, gum, and Marvel Comics....
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thanks alexis and wanda - it was my Uncle George who first introduced me to them one of the best xmas presents i ever got was two huge boxes of them off him!
View ArticleRe: A Great Adventure - A Day in Life of a fourteen year old.
That box of comics probably kept you busy for hours.... :-)) Wanda
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